Bought and won this Longchamp Le Pliage from an eBay seller. The bag seems to be authentic at a glance. It measures just like the original. The leather seems to be ok until you look closely and see the pattern. It has the correct snaps, button says "original", zipper closure, almost the same shade of thread as the original and a convincing care card.
I almost believed that the bag is authentic until I noticed that the stitching is very poorly made. After reading this guide on how to spot a fake LONGCHAMP, I begun to question the bag's authenticity.
Red flags that I found:
Leather pattern is a bit off (almost fish scale-like)
Stamped words at the back is misspelled (it says LE PLIAGE TYPE “M” – MODÈLE DÈPOSÉ)
Stitching isn't as polish as it should be
Here are the photos of the LC bag that I received from the ebay seller:
{I got a Longchamp Le Pliage medium short handle in cyclamen with carecard}
{Photo color varies per lighting but this is the same bag. As you can see, the stitching of this bag is very poor. An easy indication that the bag is not authentic.}
{The accent on the letter E on the word "DEPOSE" is misspelled. The tag is also questionable.}
My instinct was validated. This particular LC Le Pliage is fake.
Aw. Sorry to read this. The bag is fake basing on the stitch and tag code.
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